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Estrela Mountain Dog Community

Created in 2015, from a cooperation of several serious breeders and Estrela fans, the Comunidade do Cão da Serra da Estrela is an idea, a concept, a determination to develop initiatives that will help in the preservation, dignifying and promotion of the breed in Portugal and in other countries. Its first output, in June 2015, was this bilingal portal. A few months later, on October the 17th , the 1st Estrela Mountain Dog Global Meeting, in the town of Cartaxo, was the second.


In 2016, the Community organised a debate "the breeder in society - their role in breed preservation   and in animal welfare" (on January the 30th, in Lisbon's Pet Festival) and also a survey regarding unregistered Estrelas living in the Estrela and Montemuro mountain ranges, paving the way for their breed confirmation exams.anuela Paraíso)

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